CGWatcher, a GUI/monitor for CGMiner and BFGMiner

Follow me on Twitter: @JustinMilone

Current version: (ReadMe)
Current version release: July 27, 2014
*includes only version 1.3.1 or newer

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Have more than one mining rig? See how CGWatcher can help make it easier to manage them until CGRemote is finished... or join the CGRemote beta to start using it to manage all of your miners in one program.

February, 2015 - CGWatcher and CGRemote are no longer associated with CoinMyne, Inc. and are back under my control.

The new official download page is located at Do not download CGWatcher from SourceForge, as modified files appear there occasionally.

See thread or Readme for more information.

Please do not leave comments below. It seems there are too many comments for Blogger to handle so I am unable to reply to them.

Once you know what CGWatcher is, you can read more about some popular features in more detail:
  • Profitability Mining - mine the most profitable coin, or use other values like reward, difficulty, and network hashrate to automatically determine which coin to mine. If you don't want to jump on the coin everyone else is, you can set it to mine 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc. most profitable (or whichever value you're using).
  • Using Web Config Files - instead of selecting a .conf file on your computer, you can enter a URL in CGWatcher. This allows you to share configs between two or more miners. Then use arguments or variables to customize any config options per machine.
  • Remote Control - CGRemote allows you to monitor and control all of your miners remotely inside one application. While it works with miners on any OS, miners running CGWatcher have a number of additional features allowing you to configure and manage miners and profiles as if you were at that computer.


CGWatcher is a GUI for bitcoin miners CGMiner and BFGMiner (32-bit and 64-bit). Along with giving a graphical interface to the miner, it has several options to monitor the miner and correct problems when they are detected, minimizing downtime. It is not affiliated with CGMiner or BFGMiner, it just helps to ensure they stay running while providing something a little easier to look at.

It works via the miner's API, which was created for this purpose - to allow other software to communicate with the miner. While there are several web applications to allow remote monitoring of these miners, that is not the purpose of CGWatcher. It is designed to run on the same computer as the miner, and will watch for the conditions you set to determine if the miner is working properly. If it is not, CGWatcher takes the appropriate actions to correct the problem. The idea is to create a program that does the monitoring for you, so you don't have to use those web applications to constantly check on your miners.

CGWatcher is a small and portable .NET application. It will run as a 64-bit application in 64-bit Windows, and a 32-bit application in 32-bit Windows. It can be run inside sandbox environments like Sandboxie if you don't trust it, however settings and profiles may not be saved. The application includes a few libraries (see credits below) and creates its own config file (CGWatcher.exe.ini), log (cgwatcher.log), log for mining events (miner.log) and data files for profiles and named config files (profiles.dat, config.dat).

Status Devices Pools Report
Remote Schedule Settings Log Tests
*Screenshots are as of version and do not include the About tab.

  • Monitor mining - Set an interval (in seconds) for checking mining status. This is how often CGWatcher will update mining data. This must be enabled to use the checking features, including:

    ■ Restarting the miner or computer when a sick or dead GPU/FPGA/ASIC is detected.
    ■ Restart the miner if the total hashrate falls below a specified number or percentage of average hashrate for a specified number of seconds. You can specify hashrates for sha256 and scrypt separately.
    ■ Restart the miner if CGWatcher had full API access but now only has read-only (in the same miner process), or if the API access was enabled but was lost completely.
    ■ Restart the miner or computer if accepted or total shares do not increase for X number of minutes.
    ■ Restart the miner after X hours of continuous mining to cover any problems that other checks may have missed. That ensures that if a problem arises, at worst the downtime will be limited to the number of hours you set here.
    ■ Ensure miner stays running option makes sure that mining never stops unless you stop it using CGWatcher (by clicking the Pause Mining or Stop buttons.)
    ■ Restart the miner if a minimum number of devices are not properly mining.
  • Statistics - These miners provide a lot of information. CGWatcher attempts to present it in an easier-to-read interface, using tabs to separate information. Basic mining stats can be found on the Status tab. Device-specific stats can be found on the Devices tab, and pool-specific on the Pools tab. More detailed information on the miner and CGWatcher can be found in the Report tab.
  • Control - You can easily change miner settings while it is running. Change GPU core, memory, voltage, or intensity. Re-prioritize and enable/disable pools. A large Pause/Start Mining button allows you to easily stop and resume mining. Another button opens the miner's configuration file in the Config File Editor. I've tried to add buttons to open files or directories wherever you may want to so you can do it all from inside the program.
  • Overheat Protection - CGMiner provides overheat protection for AMD cards. Using the temp-target, temp-overheat, and temp-cutoff settings, it can adjust fan and clock speeds to maintain a target temperature and disable devices that get too hot (if auto-fan and auto-gpu are enabled.) CGWatcher now also provides similar protection for Nvidia cards by adjusting intensity to maintain the target temperature and disabling GPUs that get too hot. It will enable and/or slowly raise intensity back to their original values once temperatures cool down back into the target range. I'm not sure if anyone mines with Intel HD integrated graphics since modern CPUs have better OpenCL support. Currently CGWatcher does not support overheat protection for Intel devices, but I will be doing some tests to see whether the CPU temperatures it is now capable of getting are enough to provide similar support for these devices. You can see if the miner or CGWatcher is providing overheat protection for a GPU in the GPU tab next to the temperature.

    For GPUs that miner is providing overheat protection for (AMD), CGWatcher takes a hands-off approach except for when the miner disables them for exceeding temp-cutoff. Although the miner is supposed to re-enable them once they return to target temperatures, this does not seem to happen so CGWatcher will restart the GPU once it has returned to temp-target temperature.
  • Scheduling - Scheduled actions give you complete control over what your miner does and when. Actions include start mining, stop mining, restart mining, restart computer, change intensity, switch profile, etc. Along with creating actions to run at specified times, you can create actions that run at set intervals.

    You can create profiles for each coin you mine, then set CGWatcher to switch to whatever is most profitable at the times or intervals you specify.

    You can also set CGWatcher to increase GPU intensities when the computer is idle, and it will return them to their original values once you start using the computer again. You set the intensity, you set how long the computer must be idle before intensities are changed.

    Scheduled Action

    Variables - You can post config files online and use their URL when setting up profiles in CGWatcher. You can also create custom variables on each computer to customize the shared config file to each computer's hardware or configuration. Set your variable names and values in CGWatcher and it replaces the variable name with the value in config files, arguments, and batch files before it uses those files to start or restart the miner.


CGWatcher allows you to create mining profiles using different miners, config files, and/or arguments. When you first use it, it will create a default profile and try to locate a miner if one is running or one is located in the same directory or subdirectories of CGWatcher. If it cannot find a miner, you will have to manually specify where it is located and (optionally) a config file and/or arguments you want to use. You can do this by clicking the 'Manage Profiles...' button in the Settings tab. You can create as many profiles as you'd like for the different crypto-currencies you mine. You can also rename the default profile if you'd like, it just names the first one Default because I had to name it something.

Managing profiles in CGWatcher

When you switch to a new profile ("activate" a profile), CGWatcher will use that profile's settings any time it starts or restarts the miner. However, if you switch profiles while a miner is running, you will obviously need to restart the miner in order for the new profile to be used. You can see which profile a currently running miner is using on the Status tab. Ideally it would always be the same as the active profile you've set... but if you changed profiles while mining and chose not to restart the miner when prompted, keep in mind that the miner will still be running on the previous profile until it is restarted (or stopped and started).

Coin Profitability

Coin Profitability in CGWatcher

Coin profitability is updated continuously at regular intervals to show which coins are most profitable at the moment. This information is also used when you create scheduled actions to automatically switch to your profile that is most profitable, has lowest difficulty, highest reward, etc. You can also choose the rank of the coin, so setting it to switch to 2nd most profitable instead of 1st may give you more time on that coin without difficulty spikes. And if none of those fields suit you, you can create your own formula for determining profitability using coin fields and common mathematical functions.

More information on Profitability Mining with CGWatcher

Config File Editor

Config File Editor

The Config File Editor attempts to make editing your miner's configuration easier. To start, it displays the config file in a grid allowing you to see all available settings and a description of each. Settings that can only be enabled or disabled will have a true or false option. Settings that allow numbers only (not including lists of numbers) will only allow numbers. The 'Validate' button attempts to check your settings for errors that may prevent the miner from starting or working correctly. Some things to know about the Config File Editor:

  • Settings that are set to default values are not written to the config file upon saving. They are also not converted to arguments, because they are set to default values and don't need to be explicitly set.
  • To add, edit, or remove pools, locate Pools in the config file grid. (There may be a Pools category heading as well in Category view mode), but you want the Pools that says '(Collection)' in the cell next to it. Click on the word ' (Collection)' and a small [...] button will appear in the cell. Click on this [...] button to open the pool window. If you've ever used a property grid in Microsoft or similar software, you will recognize this type of grid and the accompanying collection editor.
  • When editing pools, you can create names for them as well so they are more easily identifiable when editing them later on. Pool names are saved inside the config file, but will not cause a problem with the miner. To change pool priorities, use the up and down arrows in the pools window to move pools up and down the list. The top of the list is the first priority, the bottom of the list is last priority.
  • 'Name #' textbox - You can name your config files so when you're using them in profiles they will be easier to access. Enter a name for the config file in the Name textbox. Then when managing your profiles, you can select a Named config file from the Config File textbox drop-down instead of needing to browse your computer for it. After clicking out of the Config File textbox, it will be converted to the config file path automatically.
  • Ensure API is enabled upon saving' : If enabled, the API access needed by CGWatcher will always be enabled when saving the config file, regardless if these settings were enabled in the grid. It will not affect other groups/IP address in the api-allow setting, it only makes sure api-listen is enabled and that is included in the W: group of api-allow.
  • The Config File Editor Menu
          ■ File -> New - Create a new config file.
          ■ File -> Open - Open an existing config file.
          ■ File -> Save (As) - Save the current config file.
          ■ File -> Close - Close the Config File Editor.
          ■ Tools -> Import Settings -> From Config File... - select an existing config file to import settings from. The current settings will be overwritten, but will not be permanent until you save the config file.
          ■ Tools -> Import Settings -> From Named Config File -> <select> - if you've set names for config files using the Name textbox in Config File Editor, these config files can be loaded quickly by just this name, both in Config File Editor and in the Mining Profiles window. This is the same as the previous menu item, but quicker and easier.
          ■ Tools -> Import Settings -> From Arguments - enter or paste miner arguments to have them converted to a config file. If you have a config file open, you will be asked if you want to overwrite only the settings listed in the arguments, or if you want to create a new config file using only the settings listed in the arguments.
          ■ Tools -> Export Settings -> To Arguments - converts the current config file to miner arguments.
          ■ Tools -> Open this Config File in Notepad - opens config file in Notepad. There is also a button next to the config file's Path to open in Notepad.
          ■ Tools -> Validate this Config File - checks the config file for errors in the settings' formats or values.

CGWatcher runs on Windows and requires the .NET framework 4.0. It should work with the latest versions of CGMiner and BFGMiner, although changes to those miners may require changes to CGWatcher.

In order for CGWatcher to work correctly, it needs full access to the miner's API. While previous versions required that you ensure this is enabled manually, version now does this automatically when the miner is started using CGWatcher. Regardless of whether the api-listen and api-allow options are set correctly, CGWatcher will make sure they are enabled before starting the miner without altering your config file or arguments.

While you no longer need to manually ensure these options are set, the following is how you would set these options via arguments or a config file:

Command-line arguments:

    --api-listen --api-allow W:

Configuration file entries (separate entries with commas):

    "api-listen" : true
    "api-allow" : "W:"

To-Do List

- Originally created to use with CGMiner, testing with BFGMiner is not as thorough.

I am working on a program called CGRemote which will create a dashboard to monitor and control your miners remotely. It will communicate with CGWatcher or the miner directly (for non- Windows miners). This program is currently in beta and updates and information can be found here:

You can send bugs or feature requests to the email address in the ReadMe or post in a comment here. You can check #cgwatcher on Freenode for live support. Donations are greatly appreciated as they motivate me and allow me to spend more time on this project. After all, the program's goal is to help you make more money. Feature requests from those who donate get priority.

Donation addresses:
BTC: 12TAYjmSrdDHLNpmix2MG6y3R868SMM7Fx
NMC: NJjD4rP5xy2mgSK8gXXsZwFkdknbvtvy3q
More donation options are available in the About tab.

By downloading you agree that while CGWatcher will attempt to provide basic overheat protection to supported devices not already protected by the miner, there is no guarantee made and you assume sole responsibility for any problems caused by overheating. See how overheat protection works in the ReadMe.

Required Software
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 Client Profile

AMS.Profile.dll by Alvaro Mendez
Newtonsoft.Json.dll by James Newton-King
CGMiner written by Con Kolivas
BFGMiner by Luke-Jr.
OpenHardwareMonitorLib.dll by Michael Möller
OpenCLNET.dll by ananth
NCalc.dll by sebastienros

For mining beginners...

CGWatcher was originally intended for users who had already setup CGMiner but wanted to ensure it ran continuously even if problems occurred. I did not anticipate the number of users, specifically the number of new users. I've been working to add features that simplify setting up the miner for beginners, as well as more control and reporting for experienced users.

To clear up some confusion, CGMiner allows you to specify settings in two ways: in a config file, or as command-line arguments. You can also do both at the same time. Some prefer to set everything through command-line arguments, I prefer to use config files. If you specify the same value in both when using CGWatcher, the arguments value will overwrite the config file value. (This only applies when starting the miner with CGWatcher.)

Where previous versions of CGWatcher required that you enable the miner's API manually, newer versions do this automatically before starting the miner so you don't have to worry about it.

By default, CGMiner will look for a config file named cgminer.conf. Because everyone's configurations will be different, it does not come with this file. Instead, it comes with an example configuration file called example.conf. This example config file shows you how a config file should be formatted, but is NOT a "default" config file. It is a config file for a computer that has 4 GPUs and it changes GPU clock speeds... something you do not want it to do until you have set them to match your hardware.

A more basic cgminer.conf file would look like this:

As basic as this config file is, it still may need to be changed depending on your hardware and prefences. Obviously the pool information would need changed to your pool/username/password. This config file should at least get you started, and has the settings in there to enable the API also so it doesn't have to be done through command-line arguments. (If it is also enabled in command-line arguments, it's ok.) If you have more than one GPU, or you want CGMiner to overclock your GPU, you would need to add the appropriate settings to the config file. This requires you to look at the CGMiner ReadMe to see what those settings are and how to write them, but the config file editor I'm working on will have all ~70 possible settings listed, with descriptions, so editing the config file will be easier.


  1. First off I LOVE your app! Great job, it is a great hands-off safety net for cypto-currency miners.

    Maybe it's just me but I updated from ver 1.1.2 to 1.1.3 and .3 keeps spawning multiple instances of cgminer bringing my hash rate right down. So far it only spawns max of two instances but it has done it multiple times when I check my hash rate. I since went back to 1.1.2. Is it something still in the Windows Reg that it's seeing both ver 1.1.2 and 1.1.3? I only see at most one instance of CGWatcher running though.


    1. Can you give me more information like if the miner is running when you launch CGWatcher, or is CGWatcher launching it? Is it launching them one after another? I'm unable to replicate this problem, but yeah I want to get it fixed right away.

    2. Without knowing what was causing this, I made a change that should prevent it from happening... although I won't know for sure until you can download again and see if it still occurs. I couldn't reproduce the problem so it is a guess on my part if the fix will correct it.
      I made a lot of changes in this version in preparation of releasing the source, and have been fixing bugs as I become aware of them. The download link and version remain the same, but the files themselves are updated. So if anyone is having a problem, try downloading again to get the latest release. If that doesn't correct it, please contact me here or at the email address in the ReadMe.

  2. Please add restart if low Utility.

    1. I'll put this on the list, it would be fairly simple to add.

  3. If selected Minimize to system tray. Autorun not minimized.

    1. Do you mean it does not start minimized to the system tray when it is started with Windows? If so I can add an option for that. Unless I don't understand you correctly I will put this on the to-do list.

    2. >>Do you mean it does not start minimized to the system tray when it is started with Windows?

  4. Hey Justin. I'm having a hell of a time figuring out how to get CGWatcher running. Can you write a how-to and pretend I have no idea where to put any of this or how to get it running?

    Command-line arguments:
    --api-listen --api-allow W:

    Configuration file entries (separate entries with commas):
    "api-listen" : true
    "api-allow" : "W:"

    My CGMiner folder doesn't have any .conf files except example.conf. Maybe make a quick video or something. I have a .bat file that has all the commands in it for the shaders and the mining pool info, and anytime I add --api-listen --api-allow W: to the file, the miner fails to even start. It opens and immediately closes. Please help.

    1. You can set options for CGMiner with command-line arguments, the config file (cgminer.conf), or both. CGWatcher isn't designed to setup CGMiner for you, it assumes you have done this already. This might change in future versions, but for now its priority is keeping the miner running.

      I prefer to use the config file because it's arguably easier to manage. Change the name of example.conf to cgminer.conf. That will cause CGMiner to load it. But before you start CGMiner, you'll need to make some changes to cgminer.conf. Example.conf is just an example config file. I don't know what settings you have in the batch file, but I would recommend putting them into the config file instead. If you can post what is in the batch file, I can help you create a cgminer.conf file with it.

    2. hey justin great app you built! I'm just having some similar problems...I'm fairly new to bitcoin mining and all i know how to do is make cgminer work. im trying to follow your instructions but its a little difficult. what do i do with example.conf? i changed the name but now what do i do? and what is a batch? thanks for helping out a noob like me lol

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Justin,

      Thank you for adding the cgminer.conf editor. That was the entire key to what I was missing. I have one suggestion though. Like I posted above, I didn't have any cgminer.conf file. And although your beta editor made me a new one (awesome), it suggested the name of miner.conf, instead of cgminer.conf when I went to save the new one in the cgminer folder. Took me the longest time to figure out what the hell was going on. When I would launch CGWatcher, the CGMiner.exe command line window kept prompting me for the pool and username, which tipped me off that the .conf wasn't being used at all and I needed to manually change the name. If you could add that to the next release, that would be awesome and save newbie people (like me) a lot of hair pulling. I'm going to donate some LTC in thanks for what you've already done. Love the program. - Ryan

    5. Thanks, much appreciated and I apologize for the confusion. Ever since adding support for bfgminer, I've tried not to assume it is going to be cgminer so that was why I didn't set the config's filename to cgminer.conf. I've changed it to try to guess which miner you're using based on your profiles, and if it can't find any then it defaults to cgminer.conf.

      You could also name it to miner.conf (or anything.conf) and just make sure it is set as the profile's config file. CGWatcher will do the rest to make sure that config file gets used when you use that profile.

    6. Hey Justin,

      The checkbox for the Restart Miner If It Drops Below a certain hashrate doesn't seem to be functioning correctly. It's constantly restarting my miners even though cgminer is reporting everything is fine. For example, my HD 7850's are running at about 330Kh/s avg. and I set the checkbox for 100Kh/s and it's restarting cgminer every few minutes claiming that the avg hash dropped below 100Kh/s for 3 cycles of 10 sec.

  5. Can i monitor other computes on my network with this ? and if so how do i set it up ?

    1. Not yet. This was planned originally but I found that having CGWatcher running on the same computer as the miner is necessary to fully ensure the miner continues running properly. I'm working on a companion program called CGRemote, that will allow you to do this. You will run CGWatcher on each computer you run a miner on, then CGRemote will create a remote (portable) dashboard for them by communicating with the running CGWatchers. Ultimately you will be able to do anything in CGRemote that you can do in CGWatcher. The program is essentially working now, I just have some things I need to work out before releasing. ETA is largely dependent on how much time I have to work on it.

    2. Keep up The good job! look forward to cgremote then

  6. New version is great, looking forward to CGRemote. Nice coding buddy

  7. nevermind I got it to work..thanks for the awesome app. saves me soooooo much headache. i only have one question tho, when my gpu becomes sick/dead or what not, cgwatcher enables cgminer to restart I get that, but if cgminer restarts do i have to re-input my username and password everytime it restarts. it hasnt happened to me yet but this would kind of defeat the purpose of cgwatcher if this is true. i hope it doesnt but lemme know...Oh im using btcguild btw if you have as i am still fairly new to this, if you have any recommendations on what pool i should mine and whether i should pps or pplns then that would be great. Just trying to get the most use out of my gpu's/time! Thanks

    1. If your settings (pool,username,password,etc) are in the config file, they will be used whenever the miner is restarted.

      If these settings are set through command-line arguments, you need to set these arguments in CGWatcher on the Settings tab so it knows to use them when it starts/restarts CGMiner. For example, if you run CGMiner from a shortcut or .bat file like this:

      "C:\Your CGMiner Folder\cgminer.exe" -o -u yourusername -p yourpassword

      you would put everything after "...\cgminer.exe" into the 'Miner Arguments' textbox in the CGWatcher Settings tab. The actual path to cgminer.exe (C:\Your CGMiner Folder\cgminer.exe) would go in the 'Path to Miner' textbox. Do not include the quotes in this textbox. You also want to have the arguments to enable the API, so make sure they are in this textbox too. Using the example above, the 'Miner Arguments' textbox should say this:

      --api-listen --api-allow W: -o -u yourusername -p yourpassword

      Whenever you make changes to the 'Path to Miner' or 'Miner Arguments' textboxes in CGWatcher, make sure to click the 'Save Settings' button to apply those changes.

      I've also posted some information to help clear up some confusion for new miners above in the large, light-green box under the Download link. I admit the whole process of getting started is not as easy as it could be, but getting there will take some time as everyone has different configurations and the software has to account for that.

      As far as pools, if you mine constantly (24/7), you may earn slightly more in a PPLNS pool. If you mine occasionally (not 24/7), you would want a PPS pool so you aren't penalized by not mining constantly.

  8. Miner not working if set 'miner arguments' 2>bfgminer.log

    1. Have you used this argument when starting BFGMiner outside of CGWatcher? CGWatcher just passes the arguments (whatever is in the Miner Arguments textbox) to the miner. It doesn't attempt to parse or modify the arguments whatsoever.

  9. The app looks great but when I run it (only tried read-only), I get the following error. Not sure what length I can set to correct this.

    RefreshMinerData Error 5: Argument 'Length' must be greater or equal to zero. during Generating report

    1. If you download again this should be fixed. I believe I tracked down the problem. It wasn't something you were doing, it was a bug. It would probably cause incomplete data in the Report tab and I'm sure it was repeated often in the log, but that should be all it affected. Thanks for reporting it.

  10. Nice App men, love it...
    i have one problem after all ;D
    when mi mining hash drops under 1mh/s he restarts the miner, ok, but the hash/s never go up again.
    only way to make them go up is restarting my pc.
    can u add some function like that, if after x retry to make hash/s go up again fail, restart PC.

    for now i open and .bat as i start windows.
    /T 3600
    shutdown -r -t 0
    so my pc does auto.
    but would be nice that build in into this amazing software, i would definetyly donate some ltc ;d after i got some, already got, but no big, need pay the bill first, after that sure, why not donate right? Keep the good work men, really good work.
    Cheers, good luck. u are a good/awesome programmer :D

  11. i miss this

    timeout /T 3600
    shutdown -r -t 5 -c "Reiniciando em 5 segundos"

    now u have it, any one else need some help, ask me too
    skype allankipfer

  12. Wow, this is great thanks for sharing :-)

    I'd love to have something like this for my fpga raspberry pi setup.

  13. I understand you cannot start/restart the miner if running cgwatcher on remote machine and that you're making cgremote to work with cgwatcher but how about if I'm running cgminer on a linux server? Can you just put a simple option in cgwatcher to monitor remote cgminer/bfgminer through the api without the start/restart options and everything using them or even if it's just monitoring without the ability to change anything. Right now I have to trick cgwatcher with a dummy cgminer program and remote ip:port to achieve this. This should be extremely easy to add since everything is already implemented - just need to add remote monitoring with forced remote read-only access.

    1. If you're not concerned with CGWatcher being able to change or keep the miner running properly, there are web applications that allow remote monitoring.

      This functionality will be in CGRemote though - it will be able to communicate with the miner directly if there is no CGWatcher running on the mining computer (for non-Windows miners.) CGRemote will not try to correct problems though, only provide information and allow you to correct problems/make changes manually (if it has full API access.) In these cases where there is no CGWatcher, losing full API access or the miner unexpectedly closing after being sent the restart command would require you to relaunch the miner yourself to resume functionality.

    2. Thanks. In that case I can't wait for CGRemote. I was worried that it will only be able to communicate with CGWatcher. Keep up the good work!

  14. Can I somehow turn off that warning CGwatcher still running, when Im restarting windows?

    1. Are you referring to the prompt you get when closing CGWatcher if the miner is still running? If so, I've changed it to not prompt you if the reason it is closing is because Windows is shutting down/restarting. I also skipped the prompt if there is no API access as well, since the program is not being useful in that situation anyway. If you download again you will get the updated files.

  15. Great tool - but I can't figure this problem out. It continually says "NO ACCESS" even though I've set the api-listen and api-allow. I started with using my BAT file, and no dice there. Then I switch to using the in-program config, and that failed. So I turned off Windows Firewall - tried again, and voila, it gave FULL ACCESS to the program. But while running, it suddenly lost access. And now I can't get access back no matter what.

    These are double triple checked settings:
    - api-allow AND api-listen are enabled with the
    - Windows Firewall OFF
    - Set to port 4028
    - CGMiner says on the loadup that it's open on port 4028!

    Image of settings page --

    So confused, just can't figure it out why it won't give full access.

    1. I wouldn't recommend disabling Windows Firewall completely, just create exceptions for the two programs.

      Your arguments are causing the API problem. Remove the dash in front of the W:, so change:

      --api-allow -W:


      --api-allow W:

    2. Awesome! That was it! Knew it was something small. Thank you :)

  16. Justin,

    Is it possible to have a GPU disabled on bootup? I have a setup where there are 3 cards in the rig, and (for now) I want it to disable the card on startup. This won't be the case in a week... but for now I'd like it to be that way. Thanks :)

  17. Support is planned Reaper??
    Thanks! ))

  18. How does the priority work? The higher the priority the better chance it has at running or the lower the first it starts with?

    If i had 2 pools.

    Johns pool priority 0
    Ryams pool priority 1

    Which pool is the main pool?

  19. Do you have a 64-bit version of this software? It gives me an error of "a 32 bit process cannot access modules of a 64 bit process."

  20. Any chance of open-sourcing it? Would obviously make it easier to trust. Also, as a .NET developer myself, I could do my own tweaks.

    That said, so far so good. I noticed when I add a litecoin site to the conf file, and run the cgWatcher, I don't see any litecoin console.

    Here is my litecoin output:

    Get Failures...........0
    Remote Failures........0
    Long Poll..............False
    Min Difficulty.........0
    Min Difficulty Count...0
    Max Difficulty.........0
    Max Difficulty Count...0
    Diff1 Shares...........0
    Diff Accepted..........0
    Diff Rejected..........0
    Diff Stale.............0
    Last Share Diff........0
    Last Share Time........0
    Best Share.............0
    Proxy Type.............
    Has Stratum............True
    Stratum Active.........False
    Stratum URL............
    Has GBT................False

    ... Any clue where I went wrong?

    (Good work, btw!)

  21. Could you please add an option to auto-start CGMiner x minutes after Windows starts?

  22. This new version looks nice but there is a bug for me. I'm getting an "index was outside of bounds of the array" on startup. This only happens when there is a .ini file present, if I delete the .ini and do a "cold start" it's fine.

    Soon as I close cgwatcher and try to restart I get the error again, something in the preferences loading is causing this.

    My system is win7 64bit

    1. Can you post or email me the contents of the ini file? The info from the Report tab may be helpful as well, but I would prefer that by email because it's a lot of text.

  23. Hey Justin, thanks for the quick reply. Just downloaded again and it's fine now, was it a bug?

    1. Yes, I had added a line of code to print some debug info when positioning the CGWatcher window when it starts up. I forgot to take it back out before compiling. It only affected users with one monitor, I have three so I did not get the error.

    2. Great. I appreciate your work I'll be throwing a few litecoins your way today so expect a deposit soon.. I hope others do the same, you have created a really valuable tool here. I know you need a break but really looking forward to cgremote when you get round to it. Maybe a beta copy for donators might get people to put there hand in their wallets??

      Thanks again

  24. Hi Justin, I just found bug in latest version of the CGWatcher. In tab Monitor, second checkbox "Restart if current total hashrate falls below this:", combo is not saved. When I choose Kh/s and restart CGWatcher, it always select default Mh/s. Because of this I cannot use this monitor option.

    Keep doing great things there!

    1. Thanks for the feedback. Coincidentally enough, I also found this bug yesterday. If you download (using download link above), it should be fixed.

  25. In the, attempting to set the configuration to only use certain gpus is not working. If I put, for instance either "0,1" or "-d 0 -d 1" it gives an error about invalid configuration and then continues on and uses all gpus.

    I believe this is because the correct JSON conf for multiple devices is :
    "device" : "0",
    "device" : "1"

    And the new configuration tool simply attempts writes :
    "device" : "0,1"
    "device" :"-d 0 -d 1"

    At this point, I don't see anyway to make it work properly since the Arguments textbox is read only (otherwise I could just add the -d 0 -d 1).

    Before you ask "Why would you..."
    In this case I'm hosting multiple cards for different investors and each needs to have it's own configuration to different pool accounts.

    1. The arguments textbox in the Settings tab is read-only, but if you click the 'Manage Profiles...' button you should be able to change the arguments. Displaying the profile settings on the Settings tab seems to cause some confusion. I wanted to show the user what the profile's settings were in the Settings tab so they could easily verify what one was set to before saving and switching to it. It will be changed (or taken out) in the next update to make it less confusing.

      I will also look into the device setting. I think you're right about how it would be written to a config file, it is definitely one option that will take some special consideration since it can be listed multiple times. Thanks for the descriptive feedback, I'll work on correcting this by the next update.

    2. I've looked more into the device option and talked to the cgminer dev. Currently you cannot specifically enable more than one device in the config file, you must use arguments. I've changed the code to reflect this and it will be in the next update. You can only enable one device by using the config file, so that ability will still exist in Config File Editor but if you try to add commas, spaces, or invalid values it will remove them. It will also explain this in the device option description under the grid.

      Were you able to edit the profile arguments to do this? The fact that I displayed profile info on the Settings tab has caused some confusion, since you have to go to Profile Manager window to actually change them. I'm not sure how I'm going to change this, but it will either be clearer or removed in the next update.

  26. is it possible to add support for keyboard logitech G15?

  27. i was thinking it would be great to add a switcher to switch to different types of coins like from sha256 to scrypt for pools and solomining so say your mining 1 coin then you see its more profitable to mine another it would be nice to be able to select the coin and hit start maybe even also have api tied to exchanges and a scheduler to automatically switch from coin to coin say like 2 hrs here 2 yours there this would make it the best program also i have been telling people about this to help your donations

  28. When Scrypt Mining I noticed that CGwatcher adds that there was 1 new block as soon as it starts/restarts even though there hasnt been a new block. Also I noticed the the Average Total Hashrate is gone now when mining scrypt. I guess its only used for BTC mining now?

  29. Thank you, CGWatcher is my savior. I can't bear to use anything but cgminer, but it's co-existance with windows7 is horrible. Now I can sleep in late and not spring out of bed to go check the miners. BTC donation on it's way. Keep up the great work guys.

  30. I love this software, so easy to set up and with lots of neat features!

    The only "issue" I have is the GPU temp displayed on the Status tab.

    GPU-Z reports three temperatures: 55°C, 70°C and 60°C. CGWatcher only reports the first one, which also happens to be the lowest.

    Is there any way to change which temperature is displayed on the Status tab?

    1. For and prior versions, the temperature was dependent on what the miner reported. So whatever temperature is being displayed, that is the temperature the miner is using to base its decisions on when auto-managing the GPU clock and fans. Changing this would require changes to cgminer/bfgminer, not CGWatcher. I haven't looked at the miner code at this, but I would imagine it is the GPU core temperature.

      In 1.1.5, CGWatcher collects temperature information on its own, but it still uses GPU core. If the miner is also reporting a temperature for the GPU (as it does for AMD cards), CGWatcher will use that temperature to make sure it's on the same page as the miner as far as temperatures go. These two temperatures should always be the same for AMD cards, as they both use ADL to collect them... but I don't feel comfortable saying they will -never- be different so I opted to use the miner-reported temperature when/if available.

      So while I realize some cards have multiple temperature sensors, I think GPU core is the common/default temperature used by the miner. If I can detect and grab any other temperatures, I will try to include them as well in future versions and let the user decide which one to display.

    2. Thanks for the detailed response, I understand what you're saying.

      In order to keep the highest temp at 75°C or below, I have simply set CGWatcher's max temp to 60°C, as there seems to be a constant difference of 15°C between the CGWatcher's reported temp and the highest reported temp on my card (AMD 6770).

      It runs absolutely perfectly like this, with the fan being adjusted as expected :)

  31. I cannot seem to get it working. When i try to switch in the config file editor from false to true api listen it reconfigures my entire .conf file and it become unusable. Any ideas how I can fix this?

    I have been trying for days now to get it working, I cant seem to be able to even add the api listen arguments onto conf file my mine stops working.

    Where do I insert it in the .conf file to make it work?

    1. Can you send me the contents of your config file to my email (in the ReadMe)? Preferably send before and after saving it in the Config File Editor. Also, any time the Config File Editor saves a config file, it will re-order the options according to how they are in the code... but this alone should not cause an issue.

      Also, does Config File Editor report any errors when opening or saving the config file? Does it pass the Validation test?

      The ReadMe contains the information on enabling the API in the config file or using arguments. You add them with the other miner options, just make sure all options are separated by commas. If the Config File Editor is not working correctly, you can open the config file in Notepad and manually add these options, or as I mentioned add them as arguments for the profile.

      There is an example config file in the green box above. I had mistakenly changed the link to the ReadMe, but I just realized and fixed this. It shows how the api-listen and api-allow options would be listed in a config file.

  32. I realized yesterday while looking at the website that the link wasn`t goin to thte config file so glad you fixed that!!

    I fixed it using that config file as an example. It was really easy I had jsut forgotten to put the commas before. Thank you so much this program is amazing!!


  33. In the readme it was clear where to put it now I see in the config file its so simple thanks!

    Could you in the future possibly include that in the read me I think it will help people a lot. Also, how would i got about doing command line arguments for this? That was confusing as well

  34. 希望能出中文版,æ„Ÿè°¢!

  35. Any word on CGRemote? Estimated release, beta testers needed, whatever.

  36. Was hoping for a upgrade today :)


    LOVE IT!!!!!

    1. Thanks. I'm guessing I mistakenly set auto-fan and auto-gpu default values to true. When you set them to false in config file editor, it will save correctly (verify by opening in notepad after saving.) But next time you open it in config file editor they default back to true since =false settings are not saved into the config file (the miner will actually error on settings set to false in config file, so they have to just be left out.) I will fix this shortly when I can get back to the computer.

  38. Justin,

    I did everything via the config editor. Regarding the bug in question... I open up GPU-z to double check my GPU engine and memory speed when I start mining via cgwatcher. I confirmed that both start mining at default stock speeds (not OCed settings entered via editor). The only way I can crank up the settings is to stop mining with cgwatcher, open up afterburner with OCed settings and run cgminer manually (not via your GUI). Any reason you think this could happen and how I can work around this so I can manage my rig with your software? I appreciate you getting on this so soon.

  39. Justin,

    Did the fix get bundled up in Current version: and re-uploaded to this site or will there be a version for the fix?


    1. Just download using the same link to get the fixed files. I didn't increment the version number because I didn't feel like going back and updating ReadMe, forum posts, etc.

      Just to be clear, CGWatcher doesn't actually modify clock or fan speeds. CGMiner does that. CGWatcher just makes it easier to configure CGMiner. The Config File Editor is just an easier way of editing the config file that CGMiner uses (if any), so there is no reason that starting CGMiner outside of CGWatcher would cause it to behave differently than if it is started inside CGWatcher... unless you have set the profile in CGWatcher to use a different config file than the default "cgminer.conf" or you have set arguments for the profile that you do not use when launching outside of CGWatcher.

      If CGMiner is unable to overclock your GPU, I'm not sure why. You may already be aware of these, but some options you want to consider using if you aren't already: (using example values)

      auto-fan : true (allows CGMiner to change fan speed)

      auto-gpu : true (allows CGMiner to change clock speeds)

      gpu-fan : 0-100 (allows CGMiner to change fan speed up to 100%. You can also change 0 to the minimum fan speed percentage you want it to use)

      gpu-engine: 0-1100 (tells CGMiner to increase core clock up to 1100Mhz assuming temperatures permit. You can also change 0 to the minimum core clock you want it to use. You can set one range for all GPUs or for each GPU using commas to separate, e.g. "0-1100,0-1200,0-1150")

      gpu-memclock: 1000 (tells CGMiner to set the memory clock to 1000Mhz. You can also set this value for all GPUs or each GPU using commas to separate, e.g. "1000,1000,1000")

      gpu-powertune: 10 (AMD only, sets AMD PowerTune. Range is from -20 to 20. You can set this once for all GPUs or for each GPU using commas to separate, e.g. "0,10,-10")

      These are all options you can set either in the miner's config file or as command arguments, regardless of whether or not you use CGWatcher. The Config File Editor just helps you edit the config file without having to worry about formatting, commas, quotes, etc. because it does all that for you.

  40. Love it.. Anyway to donate using Paypal? Just started mining so dont have much yet..

    1. Sure, joemilone[x] (replace [x] with @ symbol, I'm trying to confuse spam bots.) Thanks, donations are appreciated.

    2. Thanks Rodney. Yes, e-mail notifications are on the to-do list, but I want to get CGRemote finished before I add any more features to CGWatcher.

  41. i hope cgremote will be coming out soon.
    or is there a way to get the stats of the rigs on a web page to look at? i still have to use teamviewer and thats not very comfortable.

    1. Sorry, I have another project I will be working on for the next 6-8 weeks so I will not be able to work on CGRemote until it is complete. My earliest estimate for its release is 2.5 to 3 months.

      There are web monitors that let you see mining data and change miner settings while it is running, but they require a web server to be running because they are written in PHP. They also don't attempt to resolve problems with the miner, rather they just display data. I think Anubis is the most used, but cgminer also comes with a miner.php you could use to get basic mining stats.

      CGRemote will not require a web server, which is why I think many will find it useful and I will try to get it done as soon as possible, but I have to put projects that pay first.

  42. Hi.
    With the new version( although i use the options in settings to -run when windows starts, - start minimized, - minimize to system tray, - run miner when started, - miner window mode hidden >> the splash screen will never go away unless I go to the option on windows taskbar "show desktop" then it will go away, but as soon i focus on other window, the splash screen reappears :| . Using Windows 7 x64. If you need anymore details please tell me.
    Btw, thanks for this great app

    1. Yes, this was a bug. It would affect CGWatcher any time it was set to start minimized. If you download again it should be fixed. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

  43. Hi,

    I just sent you an FPGA test result using the USB ASICMiner Block Erupter. I hope you find it useful.


    1. Got it, thanks. I'm not sure how soon I'll get to the next CGWatcher version update, but I'll try to make sure it supports these devices.

    2. It runs them fine already as CGMiner acts as the interface.

      I have moved them all over to a Raspberry Pi now, but I can put some on my PC for a while if you need any tests doing.

      Is there a way for CGWatcher to monitor CGMiner running on another machine? The API is turned on in MinePeon for the web interface program, but all the web interface gives you is a hash rate graph - a boring horizontal red line (there is very little variation in has rate on the bock erupters - they give 333-334 all day)

    3. I know you won't be able to start/stop cgminer on the Pi, but I just want to nosey at the stats. Maybe it could give a notification if one of the readings goes low.

      Saying that though, they have been running non-stop on the Pi without any issues, so I don't think they need monitoring for restarts. You can pull them out and plug them back in and they restart automatically - something that CGMiner on the PC didn't do with them.

    4. I tried putting the IP of my RPi in, and CGWatcher displayed my RPi's data. I had a spare CGMiner running on my PC that I didn't want, but it was working.

      I have had a read of the API Readme, and knocked up a little program to interrogate my RPi. I have only got the average hash rate out of it so far, but it's just a case of going through all the label names I want and sticking them in textboxes. A nice little project to keep me busy...

    5. Yeah, this is why I left the IP setting in there, someone else had mentioned tricking CGWatcher this way. There are only two issues I can think of at the moment:

      1) Obviously if the miner's API went down or something happened that would normally cause CGWatcher to kill the miner process and relaunch, this would not resolve the problem on the RPi.

      2) When you run more than one instance of cgminer on the same computer as CGWatcher (which I realize is not what you're doing, but something to be aware of), if CGWatcher has not already determined the one it should be monitoring (for example, you have two cgminer processes running and you open CGWatcher, which had never seen either process before) it has to try to figure out which one to monitor. To do this, it first tries to figure out if it can communicate with either of them and match the process's filename to one of its profiles. Assuming it can do this, it then has to try to figure out which process it is actually communicating with via the API. This would be simple if the API returned the process ID, but it doesn't. So it looks at the start time of the process (from Windows) and the start time of cgminer (based on Elapsed seconds from cgminer's API) and if they are close enough, it matches them. This way it knows which process it is talking to, and ignores the other process.

      Or simply, if you are running two or more cgminers on the computer, you would have to start cgminer on the RPi at the same time you started the dummy cgminer on the computer for it to match the process with the API.

      When there is only one cgminer process running, it relaxes a bit and figures as long as it can communicate with it, it will try to monitor it.

      Sorry if that was confusing, I think I confused myself. I think in CGWatcher 2.0 (someday), it will just ignore any miner it did not start. This would make things so much easier.

    6. I understand - you put a lot of work into validating the CGMiner is the one you started...

      From knocking together my little prog, I have a few tips for the reporting.

      Every so often, the Erupters stop working, and the "active" goes to "N", (while the "status" stays on "alive" for some reason...). They reconnect, but it adds a new device on the end of the list. I put mine in a DataGridView, and if num-o-devices > num-o-rows in the DGV, then I do a .Add() to add a new line. It continues to report the (now static) accepted shares etc for the device, and the average hash rate falls to zero for that device. I greyed the line out if active = N.

      I used the "MHs 5s" for the hash rate. The normal hash rate takes ages to get up to speed.

    7. When you say the "active" goes to "N", what are you referring to? Do you mean "enabled" returned via the API? I only have GPUs right now so implementing FPGA and ASIC support was based solely on device tests users sent me (which I would have like more of, but it was enough to figure out most things.)

      So you're saying when an Erupter stops working, the miner will report it as disabled (Enabled=N,Status=Alive) and when it comes back, the miner will add it as if it were a new one... keeping the old one there indefinitely? If so that is good to know. I wonder if it gets a new device path or if that is a unique identifier I can use to check for this.

      I've changed it to not include hashrates for disabled devices in the total hashrate (something I should have already thought of). As far as removing the devices from the list, I'm not sure the best way to handle this yet because if I'm understanding correctly, there is no difference between a device that stopped working and a device the user disabled (they'd both show 'Enabled=N,Status=Alive'), right?

      Am I understanding correctly? I have an Enable/Disable button displayed for FPGA devices right now because they can be enabled/disabled via API... so I don't want to hide a device just because its disabled. I don't know if the same is true of ASICs, or why anyone would ever even want to disable an ASIC anyway, so I disabled the button on the ASIC tab.

    8. The reconnect behavior only happens on the RPi. On the PC, if it goes off, it stays off. (unless this is a change between the version of CGMiner I have on my PC and the version in MinePeon). I could try a later version on the PC and move a couple back on to try.

      If you want to support the RPi, I could send you more reports showing you the raw data before and after I unplug one and plug it back in. I haven't tried disabling the devices over the API, so I don't know about that. When the device fails, it is the the parameter "enabled" that changes to "N" though.

      It does leave the "broken" device in the list indefinitely, and adds a new device (which you can detect with the pgacount command) to the end of the list.

  44. Hi,

    Thank you for making this application. It is excellent. I know that in other comments you mentioned it will be a while until you are able to get to the remote. In the mean time I was hoping to use a PHP script to monitor my miners via the web but came across an issue with 2 different applications trying to access the API for CGMiner. I know that CGMiner is not something you developed, was just wondering if you knew of anyway to configure this so that it could work more multiple applications.


    1. There shouldn't be a problem running CGWatcher and another application using CGMiner's API at the same time. I've done this several times, usually using miner.php (included with CGMiner), and to verify I just tested again and set it to auto-refresh every second. I also tested by opening CGWatcher first as well as opening miner.php first.

      CGWatcher connects to the socket only long enough to send a command and receive a reply, then closes the connection... so there should be nothing preventing other applications from working. I can't speak for how other applications handle this and I don't know what PHP script you're referring to, but using CGMiner's miner.php worked without incident, even at 1-second auto-refresh intervals.

    2. Interesting, after reading your post I tried launching cgminer first then running miner.php and it worked fine as you said. The issue seems to only occur when I use CGWatcher to start cgminer. I too am using the PHP scripts from the CGMiner repo.

      I have also just tried launching CGWatcher before starting cgminer on it's own. The PHP script is running on a separate machine from the miner. I am starting to wonder if it is a permissions thing with the way CGWatcher is launching CGMiner?

    3. After a little further investigation, I have found that running cgminer outside of CGWatcher is an elevated prompt with administrator privileges where as CGWatcher is starting a non elevated prompt. Is there a way to start an elevated prompt if I run CGWatcher as administrator?

    4. I think finding out why the PHP script won't connect to the miner unless it is ran elevated is a better way to resolve the problem. Perhaps a firewall issue? But if you can't get it working or there is a need to have CGWatcher start cgminer elevated then I will look into adding this.

    Device readings are wrong, while it shows hashrate of device 0 the clocks/voltage/fan/temp are from device 1, meaning that when it reaches the temp-cutoff range of device 1 it cuts-off device 0 ! I could not fix this with either gpu-reorder nor with gpu map.
    and on the same matter, I could not set the temp-cutoff arg in any way... why is it even running on default 85 while it does not set anywhere ?!


    1. Can you give me more information? The text from the Report tab would be helpful, along with the results from clicking the 'Detected' and 'OpenCL' buttons in the Tests tab. These will provide information about your hardware so I can see what is happening. Did you try using the GPU Map in CGWatcher? I explained in more detail and why it may be necessary here (bitcointalk).

      Are you using Nvidia cards or cards that cgminer is incapable of getting the temperature for? Those are the only times CGWatcher will step in and provide overheat protection... otherwise it leaves it to cgminer. The temp-target, temp-overheat, and temp-cutoff are cgminer options and he set the defaults to those values. I would imagine he used default values because he didn't want to destroy any hardware if someone forgot to set those options. These are the default values in cgminer, regardless of whether or not you use CGWatcher. CGWatcher just also uses these options rather than making them settings inside CGWatcher.

  46. Report -
    Detected -
    OPENCL -

    Its a 7950(upper) + 7970(below), I put the 7970 below the 7950 since the 7970 gives more khs on OC and it needs to cool off, but when the 7950 gets hot it cuts the 7970.
    I already managed to change the cutoff(actually it was temp-overheat arg that needed to be change, my mistake) so it would cut the power from the 7970.

    note, i think that when the 7970 is the upper one i dont get the wrong readings, meaning the khs and the temp readings are right. I will test it in a minute.

    thanks for the help :)

    1. I was right, when I put the 7950 below the 7970 the readings are fine.
      heres DETECTED -
      OPENCL -

      Any idea how to fix this ? maybe reinstall the drivers while the 7970 is below ?

    2. im a newb, but i fixed it with gpu-map. thanks for the inspiration :)

    3. So you were able to get this working correctly? I've made some additional improvements to GPU mapping in, but it still may require being done manually in some cases. It should not matter which card is upper/lower. If you find that the GPUs in CGWatcher do not match up with the GPUs in cgminer, then use the 'GPU Map' button in CGWatcher to manually map them to the correct ones.

  47. I've tried setting the memclock manually (either with positive or negative integers) on the past four release versions, and when inspecting the devices, they never respect my memclock settings. Am I missing something? Would really like to underclock my memory for bitcoin, but it never works...

    1. It doesn't work on some cards. It works on mine, but won't go lower than 600mhz.

      Try MSI Afterburner - if that won't change the memory speed, your card probably doesn't support it.

  48. Love your work, but for some reason the config editor won't accept my gpu-vddc settings. I have it set to 1100 but when i try to save the conf in config editor i gives me a popup saying that the value is to high or out of range.

    I have tried to type in 1.100 and 1,100 but i get the same popup.

    Bug or have i missed something?

    1. What is your decimal separator (character used to separate decimal places from whole numbers)? If you don't know, you can find it in the Report tab, scroll down near the bottom and look for "Culture decimal separator".

      My guess is that this is an issue with the decimal separator, which should be a correctable problem in CGWatcher, I just need more info on your settings. To add to this, cgminer seems to use a period (.) regardless of Windows culture settings. I guess there are still some things I have to work out when being the middle-man between Windows and cgminer.

      My decimal separator is a period and I have no problems saving 1.100, so I am thinking this is the issue. I would think that 1100 would definitely cause problems though, because it wouldn't know where to put the decimal. So if you can let me know about your settings, I will try to figure this out today.

  49. Hi Justin, sorry i answered so late, had a "little" nap. But here are my settings:

    "api-listen" : true,
    "api-port" : "4028",
    "api-allow" : "W:0/0",
    "intensity" : "18",
    "vectors" : "1",
    "worksize" : "256",
    "lookup-gap" : "2",
    "thread-concurrency" : "24000",

    "gpu-engine" : "1.100",
    "gpu-memclock" : "1.600",
    "gpu-powertune" : "20",
    "gpu-vddc" : "1.100",
    "temp-cutoff" : "99",
    "temp-overheat" : "95",
    "temp-target" : "80",

    "expiry" : "120",
    "failover-only" : true,
    "gpu-threads" : "1",

    "log" : "5",
    "queue" : "1",
    "scan-time" : "60",
    "temp-hysteresis" : "3",

    "scrypt" : true,
    "kernel" : "scrypt",
    "kernel-path" : "/usr/local/bin"

    1. Does this actually work? Was this config saved by CGWatcher? I imagine the miner would have a problem with your gpu-engine and gpu-memclock having periods in there. It may still work, but it would not set them to the values you're expecting (I think). I still need to know what your decimal separator is. It looks like you're using a period (.) as a group separator (gpu-engine:1.100), and also as a decimal separator (gpu-vddc:1.100). If I understand correctly, cgminer wants a period as decimal separator regardless of what your culture settings are, because it returns values with a period regardless of culture settings. And to be safe I would remove any group separator. Right now I would guess that cgminer thinks you want the same value for gpu-vddc as you do for gpu-engine... which is 1 and 1/10th and obviously not correct. If you typed the period for gpu-engine and gpu-memclock values, I need to have CGWatcher remove them before saving. And depending on your decimal separator, it may need to do an additional check before saving a value.

      All the text from the Report tab would be helpful, as I've included the culture information there.

  50. I have tried using a period, comma and nothing at all, it still won't let me save the config.

    The config file is made on notepad and later imported to cgwatcher config editor.

    1. There is an option on 1.1.6 to turn off validating config files when saving so you can enter any values.

  51. cgwatcher delete my .conf and need alaways information when bfgminer start with

    i must use

    why ?


    1. Can you post or email your .conf file?

    2. I'm not sure why it would delete your .conf file. Nowhere does it delete a config file, but it does temporarily overwrite it. When starting the miner, CGWatcher backs up your original config file in memory, applies any arguments to the config file and enables the API, saves this modified config file, starts the miner (which loads the modified config file), then restores the original config file.

      Before saving any config file, it reads the entire config file into memory so if an error occurs, it has all of the original text to save to ensure the config file is not emptied.

      If any errors do occur, they are recorded in the log as debug entries. If you send me your log (including debug entries) I can see if an error is occurring and I've overlooked something.

  52. Why did you remove "DISCARDED" info from the new versions ?

    1. The cgminer dev said it is no longer important (read:meaningless) with stratum. I try to somewhat keep up with what is displayed in new versions of cgminer's ui. It is work discarded before it is even worked on, so not as bad as rejected or stale shares where work was done. You can still find the discarded work number in the Report tab though.

    2. Could a bad internet connection (route) from the miner to the pool reflect on the discarded work?

    3. I'm the wrong person to ask because I have a lot to learn about the mining process itself. It may. CGminer defines discarded work as work from block no longer valid to work on, but how it determines that I have no idea.

  53. Justin,
    I am so excited about your program!, however, I haven't quite got it working.

    I listed the following as the URL:Port:


    The miner started and said "connected to", however the following responses were received:

    Pool 1 slow/down or URL or credentials invalid
    Pool 2 slow/down or URL or credentials invalid
    API running in IP access mode on port 4028 (1316)

    I have entered the correct username and password and am currently mining at the mentioned URL, without cgwatcher. Help Please!


    1. Are you using a config file, arguments, or both? How are you setting the pool, username, password, and other settings when using cgwatcher?

    2. Ooops. I entered another post, sorry, I'm new at all of this (obviously).


      I am using a config file edited with the help of the profile manager in cgwatcher. No arguments. Pool info entered via the Mining Pool Collection Editor.


    3. Can you email me the config file contents? (address in readme). Preferably the working config file that is used when you mine without cgwatcher, then open it and save it in config file editor and send the contents of that too. I want to make sure the config is not getting screwed up during save, which also occurs when cgwatcher starts the miner.

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. New version keeps overwriting my .conf file and reorganizing it and taking out some of my old proper settings..

    1. Which settings is it taking out? The only time it should "remove" settings from a config file is if they're set to default values, because in that case they don't need to be saved.

      There are cases where CGWatcher needs to modify and save the config file right before starting the miner, but it restores it to its original settings afterwards. I'm working on this right now and have changed it so it will re-save the text from the original config file (so it doesn't reorganize anything). If that fails for some reason, it will then try to save it using the method its using now (which is from a loaded config file object that reorganize settings).

      I've also made changes to limit the need for modifying the config file before starting the miner as much as possible, but since the miner allows config file settings to override arguments, I have to make sure the API is enabled in the config file (if you're using a config file) because enabling it through arguments alone means any API settings in the config file would override them.

      The purpose is that if you set the same option in both the config file and arguments, allowing the arguments to override the config file seems more intuitive when using CGWatcher because arguments are so quick and easy to change. For example, if I set gpu-engine:1000 in the config file, and --gpu-engine:1100 in the arguments, cgminer uses the config file setting of 1000. But I think a CGWatcher user would prefer arguments override the config file, so if you're testing or tweaking you can keep your stable settings in the config file and just change settings you want to tweak in the arguments. In order to do this, CGWatcher has to actually apply any argument settings to the config file (if you're using a config file), save it, start the miner, then it restores the config file back to its original version.

      To help with troubleshooting, CGWatcher will create a file called debug_config.txt in its directory to show you the exact config file it used when starting the miner. It will do the same if you're using a .bat or .cmd file if it had to modify and save that file before starting the miner (to enable the API, override the API port, etc.) It will create a file called debug_batcmd.txt to show you the exact file used to start the miner since it quickly restores the original file. (Note: even if the miner fails to start for some reason, these files still get restored.)

      In either case, it should return the config file or .bat/.cmd file to its exact original version once I update to Even in and it did this, but settings may be reorganized. But there is nowhere that it should be removing settings unless they are set to default values. So if it is removing settings that aren't set to default values, let me know which ones and I will look for a cause and if I find one I will correct it in, which I will be uploading today. All of the changes I mentioned above will be in so you will not see them yet.

  56. i have troubles setting the priority of the pools. i cant change it. does this work right?
    some pools i can change up and down. some not...

    1. I'm not sure what you're referring to, setting priorities in Config File Editor or in the Pools tab?

    2. Pools tab.
      sometimes a pool has priority 5 f.e. and i can click it up and down an nothing happens.

    3. This is when the miner is running, correct? I'm unable to reproduce this problem. I've added additional log entries when changing pool priorities and enabling/disabling pools in to help troubleshoot this. If you can download again to get these changes, then try performing the same action and post any relevant log entries (include debug entries), that will be helpful.

      Assuming the miner is running and the pool priority textbox (with up/down buttons) is enabled, it sends a command to the miner telling it the new priorities for all pools based on your changes. It waits a moment and then refreshes the info. So if the miner is failing to change the priorities for some reason, it may look as if nothing happened. I'm not sure that is what is happening, but won't know for certain until I see the log entries.

  57. Your previous versions never touched the .conf files. I have a 7870xt that I use a lower thread-concurrency with but 2GPU -threads and it keeps removing he 2 gpu-threads which causes over 100kh/s loss. For now I made the file read-only

    I think you should revert back to your program not touching the .conf unless its been manually edited in your program. It worked beautifully before. It took me a couple days to finally tweak my card to get the most hash/shares per min just right.

    I love the new look and the program works great otherwise. I have been spreading the word about it.

    1. The only time gpu-threads is not saved is when it is set to 2, because as per the cgminer readme, 2 is the default value. If the option is not in the config file, cgminer should be using 2. If it is not, it is something cgminer either needs to correct in code or the readme.

      When saving a config file (either in Config File Editor or when CGWatcher does it before starting the miner), it doesn't save options that are default values because a) it shouldn't need to, and b) it would have no way of knowing which options you wanted saved so it would have to just save all of them then. Because of the number of questions from beginners I've received about setting up config files, I think the less options there are in the config file, the better.

      The only other time it might not save options are for the 3 scrypt options, which it does not save if the scrypt option is disabled.

      In order to have some consistency when using arguments and config files, there may be times where it has to save a config file before mining. This started in 1.1.5 or so. I felt arguments should override config files, especially when using CGWatcher, and unfortunately this means sometimes I have to apply arguments to a config file and save it to make sure those options get used. This also can be necessary sometimes to properly enable the API or override the API port.

      In, I tried to limit the situations in which this occurs, so if you are not using arguments and have API enabled correctly in the config file and are not overriding api-port, I don't think it will need to save before starting the miner. You can also now see exactly what it saves before starting the miner by looking at debug_config.txt in the CGWatcher directory, because it restores the original config file quickly so this allows for some troubleshooting options.

      Anyway, thanks for the support and feedback. Hopefully works better for you.

  58. Hey Justin I was having same problems as people mentioned before... It was erasing my .conf file thank god I have backups...

    So anyways, now my issue is the miner gives me an error everytime I click on the start mining button it says:

    "I was unable to establish connection with BFGMienr check that the files arguments and conf file are correct"

    They are correct because right after I can start it manually by clickin on the bfgminer.exe file and it works like a charm. Now whats even more weird is taht after I start bfgminer manually it asks me to create a new profile for the miner that I was just trying to restart.

    Any ideas what could be causing hits?

    1. I'll need more info. The config file you're using and the text from the Report tab, preferably when the miner is running. Also, if there is a debug_config.txt in your CGWatcher folder, as well as any log entries, those could be helpful. Basically, as much info as possible. Please send to my email in ReadMe instead of posting here since it will take up a lot of space. My guess is that it's an API port issue, which maybe still has a bug.

      Hopefully any issues with .conf files have been corrected in 1.1.7.

  59. I am currently using 1.1.7 I will send you config file and other info to your email thank you so much for your help!

  60. Just sent you the info you asked for you to your email. All the best Thomas

  61. great software - I owe you. it would be really cool if you could create multi profile that connect to multi config files so I could change mine type and card output easily depending on config - Thanks.

    PS - imo more important then remote - there's lots of remote tools.

    1. I'm not sure what you mean. You can create multiple profiles and they can all use different config files, or the same config file, or any config file. Each profile can also have arguments in case you want to use a common config file and just use arguments to change some options in each profile since arguments override config file when using CGWatcher.

  62. Hello Justin,

    After having built my mining rig, I have been mining for two weeks using CGMiner. Quite a personal achievement as I have always been used to using macs.

    When I saw CGWatcher, I was quite excited. However, I have not been able to make it work. After many frustrating hours, I hope you might be able to help me.

    I am using CGMiner 3.1.0 & CGWatcher I also have .Net

    CGMiner is launched using a BAT file.

    Here it is:

    timeout /t 30
    cgminer --scrypt -I 20 -g 1 -w 256 --thread-concurrency 21712 --gpu-engine 1050 --gpu-memclock 1400 --gpu-vddc 1.060 --temp-target 80 --auto-fan -o stratum+tcp:// -u NAME -p PASSWORD --failover-only -o stratum+tcp:// -u NAME -p PASSWORD --api-listen --api-allow W:

    I can Stop CGMiner from CGWatcher, If I first launch CGMiner then CGWatcher as the logs show:

    [22/06/2013 18:30:13] User clicked Stop button for CGMiner with full API access. Attempting to stop...
    [22/06/2013 18:30:13] [d] Miner.StopMining called: Miner=C:\Program Files\CGWatcher-\cgminer-3.1.0-windows\cgminer.exe;Config=;Arguments=;HasFullAPIAccess=True;KillOnReadOnlyAccess=True.

    When I specifiy the .bat file in MINER PATH to manage my PROFILES settings and all the content of the bat file is copied into the MINER ARGUMENTS. If I then launch CGMiner from CGWatcher, it starts before stopping.

    The .BAT file is modified the following way:

    timeout /t 30
    "C:\Program Files\CGWatcher-\cgminer-3.1.0-windows\mine_litecoins.bat" cgminer --scrypt -I 20 -g 1 -w 256 --thread-concurrency 21712 --gpu-engine 1050 --gpu-memclock 1400 --gpu-vddc 1.060 --temp-target 80 --auto-fan -o stratum+tcp:// -u NAME -p PASSWORD --failover-only -o stratum+tcp:// -u NAME -p PASSWORD --api-listen --api-allow W:

    I also get a message teeling me that:

    CGWatcher can't communicate with CGMiner. I get the following entry into the log

    Any ideas ? :-)

    1. Just added a name & picture!

    2. Update to This should be fixed, but let me now if it isn't.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Could you send me the debug report from To get it, start, use it to start the miner with the .bat file (even if it says cannot connect, that should not cause a problem with the report), go to Tests tab and click Create Debug Report. Then send the report to my email in the Readme. This should be helpful in finding the problem. I've tested with my own batch files, and am using a batch file now without incident... so I can't see what is causing the issue without this info.

  63. has fixed all the issues i was having. thank you!

  64. Would be great if you can set a password that has be entered when the app comes back to the foreground when in minimized to tray mode. This would prevent unauthorized users to screw around with the program.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. As i can see u use profitybility from coinchoose.
    i wanna use adjusted profitability, but i dont think i can change it.
    perhaps u can give us the choise.

    nevertheless thats such a great feature. i love it.

    1. Update to version and there are options for adjusted profitability and average (7-day) profitability.

    2. Thnx. that was fast :)
      it is awesome. works perfect.

  67. Your new feature "mine as donation" disturbs me.

    sent u some ltc instead.

    1. Donation mining is optional and disabled by default. Its purpose is to make donating even easier since donations are so disproportional to users, feedback, feature requests, and work. I've had some users tell me I should be charging for CGWatcher, and others suggest making donation mining mandatory to a certain amount. I've also received an offer to place ads in it. But I guess I still hold out a little hope for the donationware model... despite donations currently totaling around $150 or so. Maybe I'll take a different approach with CGRemote.

      This idea may seem unusual compared to other types of free software, but unlike that software which usually just makes life easier, mining software makes you money. CGMiner also had a donation option from 2.0.5 to 2.2.2. It was eventually deprecated, but CGMiner has also received a substantial amount in donations, including some pretty large bounties. I'm not suggesting CGWatcher is anywhere near as valuable to miners as CGMiner, but they do share a common goal that is trying to ensure the user mines as many coins as possible. Along with making sure the miner is mining properly, CGWatcher hopefully provides some peace of mind that you don't have to constantly babysit your miners to make sure they haven't stopped working. And donations are not just about money, as I appreciate donations no matter the amount. They provide motivation to continue working on the project and other requested features like a Linux or OSX version, profitability-based mining (just added), and CGRemote.

      That said, thanks for donating... I appreciate it because I've put a lot of time into this project and CGRemote (coming soon). I don't think most users are aware of the work it takes to create a program like this that not only interacts with the user, but also with two programs in active development by different people with a hundred previous versions and a ton of different configurations. The more simple and intuitive a program like this is usually means the more work was put into it. And I like to think CGWatcher is intuitive, and adjusts to how the user works rather than requiring it to be used a certain way or being complicated to setup.

      And because you donated, I'll include you in the CGRemote beta if you're interested. And if I do end up charging or requiring a donation for CGRemote, beta testers will get it for free.

      Also, I checked and did receive LTC. It is surprising how many people have told me they "just donated" only to see there had not been a donation in the week prior or the week after. So to anyone else, please don't send me "I just donated, can I be in the beta?" messages if you haven't. I've already stated the beta will be open to donators and those who have helped in reporting bugs and testing bug fixes. So if you would like to be in the beta, it would be preferable to send me a message saying you're donating (with the address you're sending from) BEFORE sending the donation so others cannot claim it as their own. I don't want to get into signed messages to prove address ownership and all that. Thanks.

    2. i am donating with mining. i have 5 rigs and one of them connection failed.
      too lazy now to search it in the log file. 4 rigs are donating anywayu can have me as beta tester if u want, if not its ok too.
      and i think its not necessary to give cgremote out for free. u have done great work and that should be payed.

    3. Thanks, and if you send me your email I'll let you know when the beta is ready.

  68. Added you on g+.

    Are you planing on building an Android remote control app for cgremote ? (that would be amazingly awesome + easy purchase option from play store).

  69. cgwatcher stopped switching my sheduled profiles (most profitable adj).
    no entry in log file since 2 hours.
    i deleted shedule and set it new.
    still nothing.
    it gets data from choinchoose but no sheduld action

    1. ok, i switched the profile manually, and now the shedule is working....

    2. Hmmm... so it was working and then stopped working? How often did you set it to switch profiles? You can always check when a scheduled action is set to run next by moving the mouse over the action in the Schedule tab. If the time comes and goes without even a log entry, let me know. I'd ask for a debug report but I still need to add schedule info to it so I don't know how much help it would be. I'll look at the monitor code to see if there is any reason it would not trigger an action. There are some other fixes and improvements I made so I'll be releasing an update soon. If you see any more issues please let me know so I can try to get them fixed in the update, thanks.

    3. tonight it happened again. switching profiles that is sheduled here stopped.
      it was shortly before the donation mining. perhaps there is something wrong with swichting to donation mining and back?
      cant say it exactly.
      after donation mining i remained at a profile and no entry in the log from the shedule task for switching to pfitablest coin.

    4. In 1.2.1 I fixed it so if a scheduled action is triggered during donation mining, it turns donation mining off completely (there was a flag it was not correctly turning off in I'm not sure if that will fix your problem, because I need more info to tell what is happening. I just woke up but I'll take another look at the schedule code and I'll be addressing another problem where coinchoose drops coins if their volume gets too low... something I was not aware of.

      The more info you can provide, the better. When was the action scheduled, what time did it say for next run when you put the mouse over it, etc. This info is now in the debug report if you can email me one.

    5. Daniel, I spent some time on the schedule stuff tonight (added some new options as well) and think I may have found the cause of your actions not being triggered. It should be corrected in the next update (1.2.2 I think is the next number).

  70. Hi Justin,

    it would be nice to have possibility to schedule pool switching.


    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. CGMiner has several pool switching strategy options, but eventually this could be a scheduled action in CGWatcher. For now you'd have to use different profiles since you can only schedule profile switching and not pool switching. But there will be many more types of actions you'll be able to schedule in the future. I have a list... it's just a matter of getting them added.

  71. Someone else reported this and my only guess is that somehow startup entries were created for all users (HKLM) and the current user (HKCU) in the registry.. though I haven't verified this. In 1.2 I changed it to remove entries from both places when you disable 'start with Windows', so try disabling it (click Save Settings), then re-enable (click Save Settings). If that is what is happening, this will remove it from both places and then add it back to one place. It tries to set HKLM first, if that fails it does HKCU.

    Let me know if this works or doesn't work because I was unable to reproduce this problem on my computer, other than intentionally setting it to start in both places in which the change in 1.2 fixed.

    1. Not sure what happened to the comment but I was replying to CGWatcher starting two instances when Windows starts.

      As for the BSODs, that isn't a CGWatcher issue and is usually the result of a GPU running too hot or overclocked too far, configuration issues, hardware problems, or driver issues. In other words, this is a problem you'll experience with or without CGWatcher assuming you use the same configuration.

    2. It didn't work.
      I'm using win8 64bit with cgwatcher

    3. well.. it now starts only one instance even if I disable it.
      I have no idea what starts it. dont have cgwatcher task on 'task scheduler'.
      any idea?

    4. I think it may be due to writing two auto-run entries to the same location, and disabling it in CGWatcher only removes one entry from each location.

      I'll have an update today that fixes this if this is the case by checking for multiple entries in each location. There is a little more testing I have to do on other changes that I made before release.

      If you're familiar with the registry, the two locations it attempts to use (in this order) when setting auto-run are:




      However, because of UAC registry virtualization, the first location might actually be:


      or even a different VirtualStore key. A search for cgwatcher in regedit would find it. Then just delete the CGWatcher value. Only do this if you are familiar and comfortable with editing the registry. As I said, an update later will fix what I believe happened. I also rewrote the code involved in enabling auto-run so it won't happen again.

      If you do happen to look in regedit and find it, please let me know where it was to confirm my suspicion. Thanks.

  72. whats up with this retarded blog deleting comments ?

    It works fine with thanks

    1. Good to hear.

      Not sure about the deleted comments. I haven't deleted any, but yeah it often says 'comment deleted by its author' or something like that. I figured people were deleting them to edit them since there doesn't seem to be a way to edit once you've posted.

  73. Please add to your program to automatically start and restart with a miner stratum_proxy.exe

    1. Thanks, I put this on the list and will look into it.

  74. i have a lot of profiles and the few last one i added i cant see the name when i wanna choose them. could be a bug.

  75. Just installed latest version and can only create one profile. When I go to add another new profile and save the previous one is gone.

    1. Yes this is a bug, it looks like I introduced when changing the way profiles are handled to allow sorting. I'll have an update shortly that fixes this. Sorry about that!

    2. This should now be fixed in 1.2.2. There were also some other minor improvements. I planned on adding more scheduling options in this version, but wanted to get it released quickly. There are new options to enable and disable devices... but I plan to test them more. I also made some changes to the scheduler to try to prevent any actions from being skipped, so let me know if this occurs - (if something doesn't happen that is supposed to). I'm adding these things as I implement them in CGRemote and trying to do it reasonably quickly, so there may be a few bumps along the way. Thanks again for reporting.

    3. Thanks! Profile creation is working now. Great application I use it all the time. Thanks for the quick response.

  76. I LOVE your program. It makes it easy for a n00b like me to get to work fast. I can't wait for the remote add-on. In that vein I have been using the donation mining setting, but in the new version it seems to have an issue.
    "Switch to donation pool failed returning response: "STATUS=S,When=1373903551,Code=27,Msg=Switching to pool"

    Not sure if it's the upgrade but I also switched to BFGMiner and I'm using my USB ASIC miners. Which BTW show up as FPGA devices.

    1. First, thanks for donating. I appreciate it. It appears from that message that BFGMiner attempted to switch to the donation pool but failed, so although everything went as planned, when CGWatcher checked afterwards to verify that the current pool was the donation pool, it wasn't for some reason. The most common reason for this is the pool being down, but there are a couple backup pools it should try if this happens. If after donation mining fails to start like this, you could go to the Tests tab and click Create Debug Report and then email me the report, that would be really helpful in seeing what exactly the problem is and if/why the backup pools failed to be used.

      And yes, unfortunately BFGMiner considers everything that isn't a GPU to be an FPGA. It also uses the same codes for the Bitforce FPGA and BFL asics, for example, so I can't determine what it really is (barring trying to communicate with the device directly, which I don't plan on attempting.) What I will do is allow the user to correct this with a way to say "this FPGA is really an ASIC, and here is what kind of ASIC it is." You will only have to do this once for each device and it will save your changes, although changes to hardware configuration may require it to be done again/corrected.

  77. PURE 360 blocking the program, it was not going to let that have been updated?

  78. Replies
    1. I'll email Kaspersky again. The original response I got from them is posted here:

      He said it would be in the next update, but maybe this doesn't apply to other versions of CGWatcher? Although I would think they would have taken that into consideration. I'll update the post when I hear back from them.

    2. I contacted Kaspersky again and received this response:


      We were unable to reproduce the detection.
      Please update your antivirus bases.
      If the problem persists, please send the screenshots or logs of detection.

      Regards, Ye Jin
      Junior Virus Analyst, Kaspersky Lab.

      So try updating your antivirus software and make sure it has the latest definition files. If afterwards you find it still occurs, please provide logs or screenshots so I can send that info to Kaspersky to get the issue resolved.

  79. i have noticed that when i click/set a sheduled action (f.e. switching profile for most profitable every 10 minutes) i have to change manually the profiel, then the sheduled action starts working.
    only clicking/setting the sheduled action, wont start runnin the action.

    1. This is happening in 1.2.3? If you can create a debug report around the time the action should first run, that would be helpful. Also, after you create the action and before it runs, what time does it say it will run next when you put the mouse over it?

  80. it was happening in 1.2.2 too

    just tried it again, now it works. cant say exactly when it works and when not. will tell u if i know when it doesnt work.

  81. Is it just me, or litecoin not appearing the the "profitability" data?

    Not sure if coinchoose have changed something?

  82. This tool rocks! I was writing my own and found yours, done! Auto-donate is def on.

    Any chance for the profitability schedule to take the hash rate into account? For example one of my gpus hashes sha-256 at a rate of 80M while my scrypt rate is 15k


    1. Thanks. I think coinchoose assumes scrypt hashrate is 1/1000 of sha256, which obviously isn't the case for everyone. That said, since it uses this set ratio it should be possible to adjust its figures based on what your specific ratio is. It is something I'll add, I'm just not sure how soon because I have to think more about it and it won't be until after CGRemote is released.

  83. i am a flashminer and i reload coinchoose data every 5 minutes and switch fast too.
    but it would be great if there would be an option to switch only if difference between first coin and actuyl mining coin is more than x %.
    so the rig hasnt to switch so often.
    yes i know, i can change switching time by myself, but i wanna hop as soon as possible on the actual first coin if it is high%

    1. This is on the list as it was previously requested on bitcointalk. I've just been focusing on CGRemote at the moment so I'm not sure how soon I'll get to it... but it is one of the first things I'll be doing when I get back to CGWatcher.

  84. Hi Justin,

    I had a problem with cgwatcher opening 2 instances on a couple of my rigs. I found 2 startup entries for it in the registry one in the usual hklm --- run and one under the syswow run entries (I'm on 64 bit windows.

    Is it possible to make cgwatcher a single run application or if people do need multiple instances to have an option for single instance only?

    I'm guessing you may have changed the location of the startup entries at some point and since I've been using cgwatcher almost from day one I had these duplicated at some upgrade point so perhaps not really an issue anymore but I thought I'd report it.

    1. There was a problem with earlier versions creating two startup entries (one in HKLM and one in HKCU). When the program is run without elevated privileges (Run as Administrator not used), Windows actually virtualizes the registry so writing to HKLM startup actually goes to the SysWoW or similar.) CGWatcher tries adding the entry to HKLM first, and if for some reason that fails it goes to HKCU (current user only). What happens now is the first time you run a new version of CGWatcher, it removes startup entries from both and then sets a new one (if you have start with Windows enabled) to make sure this is corrected even if a user skips a few versions. There still may be a situation where if you run CGWatcher sometimes as Administrator and sometimes not, it goes to two places under certain (rare) circumstances because of the registry virtualization. This is something I have on the list to look into eventually.

  85. Hi

    I've just set this up, and it works great, aside from one issue. I've been using a monitoring script - - with my home web server to give me access to check the mining is progressing OK. Obviously CGWatcher is a much better solution, but it doesn't allow me to remotely check that things are OK as easily (until the monitoring software is released).

    So, I have tried to run the two concurrently - I have set my api-allow to W:0/0 which I believe will allow any address on my local network to access the API, and this works fine when I use the monitor, and separately when I use CGWatcher. The problem is that I don't seem able to use both at the same time - I would have thought this was possible via the API, but is it possible, or a settings issue?

    Any help you can give is appreciated.


    1. Using the two at the same time should not be a problem. API calls happen so fast it is rare that the two would interfere with eachother, and if they did the one that doesn't get a response would just have to wait until the next time it requested info.

      Have you tried using both but starting the miner outside of CGWatcher?

      I ask that because what may be the issue is how CGWatcher automatically enables the API, where it looks for being in the api-allow argument. It shouldn't remove other things, and if working correctly would modify api-allow to say W:,0/0 which I don't think should cause a problem, but there is the chance it's not working correctly. If you go to the Tests tab and click the Miner Start button, it displays exact conditions when the miner was started (as sometimes it modifies config files or arguments before starting the miner then reverts them back afterwards). This may show if there is a problem there.

      Also, if you reproduce the problem where CGWatcher is monitoring the miner but the script isn't and click the Create Debug Report button and email me the report, I may be able to see why this is happening.

  86. Two instances when you set CGWatcher to start the miner when it starts?

    Can you email me your cgwatcher.log, and if you get a chance to create a debug report ("Create Debug Report" button in Tests tab) while the two instances are running, that may be helpful also.

  87. Hello, i got some weird issue with cgwatcher. If I run cgminer from command line i got 800KHs and if I then run cgwatcher it shows 800KHs. But If i run cgminer via cgwatcher with exactly same command (even without any config file nor profile), i got only 620KHs. Is there something else what cgwatcher passes to cgminer by default i miss? I am using this command for rig with 5850 and 5870:

    cgminer --scrypt -o stratum+tcp://pool:port -u user -p pass --intensity 17,19 --worksize 256 --thread-concurrency 8000,7200 --queue 0 --scan-time 5 --expiry 5 -g 1 --lookup-gap 2 --gpu-fan 50-95,50-95 --auto-fan --auto-gpu --temp-target 75 --gpu-engine 760-945,700-885 --gpu-memclock 1300,1000

    Furthermore despite what intensity on first GPU i set (17 in this case), cgwatcher always set it to 18 (but it does not matter since it can be altered then)

    Anyway cgwatcher is really cool, i already made simple autoit3 script to ensure my distant rig is minning, but compared to your work its nothing.

    1. If you start cgminer with CGWatcher, you can go to the Tests tab and click the 'Miner Start' button to see exactly what was used to start the miner. If that doesn't help you can email it to me and I'll try to find what may have happened. Also the 'Create Debug Report' button gives a lot of info that is usually helpful in troubleshooting as well, so include that. I can't imagine it would change intensity unless there is an option somewhere telling it to (like scheduling or idle intensity or overheat protection)... and other than enabling the API correctly it doesn't change any values before launching the miner.

    2. Thanks for quick reply. I checked it out and if I get it right, cgwatcher takes config file and modify it if necessary in case of some errors. So this is what is happening to me:
      ["thread-concurrency" : "8000,7200"] changes to ["thread-concurrency" : "8001"]
      ["intensity" : "16,19",] changes to ["intensity" : "18,19",]
      Any suggestions? I tripple checked and rewrite config file manualy, but it does not helped..

    3. Can you send me this info? Are you using a config file? If not it will show the last config file used to start the miner, so in Miner Start check the timestamp of when the config file was last used to launch the miner. If not using a config file, no arguments are changed except to enable the API or if you've setup custom variables. The only other time settings are changed in config files (aside from those two reasons) is if you've also specified arguments, in which case CGWatcher will overwrite the config file settings with settings listed in the arguments (this is by design).

      It has to be getting these numbers from somewhere, it doesn't just change things randomly. I won't say it's impossible there's a bug somewhere, but I need more info to see what is happening. You're the only one ever to report a problem like this.

    4. Debug files sended to Your email, thanks for Your time.
